How Bitcoin Work

What you are holding in your hands is also your ticket to a great online community on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook that provides the entire crypto world with valuable trading content everyday and is so incredibly motivated that it will not let yo go. Bitcoin trading is the buying or selling of a financial product whose performance is directly related to the price of Bitcoin.

Just as you can bet on the outcome of a football game for or against your favorite team in sports betting, you can bet on the upcoming price development in trading with Bitcoin.

The above infographic show how Bitcoin work

“Bitcoin is probably rat poison squared”- Warren Buffet, Legendarer GroBinvestor

Infographic : Mutual Funds Disadvantages

While low risk mutual funds are an important part of many asset management strategies, they are not a panacea for investors. Every successful portfolio has the intention of using the best mutual fund they can find to meet the investor’s global tactical asset allocation strategy for diversification and to maximize returns. This Infographic edition of investment management blog addresses the disadvantages of mutual funds.

Infographic: Mutual Funds Disadvantages

Summer Opportunities for Students

With summer fast approaching, large numbers of high school and college students are searching for summer jobs, beginning an internship or enrolling in summer school. Other students choose to use summer as an opportunity to sleep in, hit the beach and take advantage of a carefree lifestyle.


Summer Opportunities for Students

Why America’s Education Isn’t Worth the Money

America spends a lot of money on education, and the announcement of the 2013 budget plan is no exception. With a projected $1.7 billion increase from last year’s education spending plan, the U.S. government will continue to have the priciest school spending on the globe, outranking every other country in price-per-student costs. From specialized classes for lagging students to sophisticated technology in kindergarten classes, the U.S. government is committed to spending whatever it takes to give kids a top-notch education.

But despite this spending, American students just don’t seem to be measuring up. Outscored by nations who spend far less, public school students in the U.S. don’t seem to be making any headway. Test scores, graduation rates, and general student achievement have all stagnated in America since the 1970s, and ACT scores have begun to decline. So when American students fail to achieve year after year, the question arises: Exactly what is that money doing for America’s education?


Why America's Education Isn't Worth the Money