The Social Help Desk Revolution

78% of consumers trust peer recommendations, while only 14% trust advertisements. As customers increasingly turn to social media sites for customer service, businesses need to embrace social media to connect with their customers and understand their needs to succeed.


Keeping customers happy and resolving their problems are of vital importance; 59% of consumers would switch brands for better service.  Money talks and customer dissatisfaction will eventually show up in the bottom line.


One Million people view customer service related tweets every week, 80% of those tweets are negative.  Ignoring social media outlets like Twitter can be very damaging to your reputation and cost you customers.  There are 38 Million Americans 18-30 who said their purchasing decisions are influenced by social media, which is a 14% increase in the past 6 months.


Businesses can have immediate and regular contact with customers and vice versa through online portals like Twitter and Facebook. While all that sharing is good, it also means companies better be on the ball and extremely responsive to complaints and suggestions.


Providing customer service via social help desk is less about marketing and more about an ongoing way of doing business.  When your business is focused on understanding the needs of your customers, it can lead to insights that have an impact on all of your customers.


Designed by Beckon Media Inc. in partnership with Salesforce



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