Infographic : Stop Running From Your Home Energy Bill

Just a decade ago, energy bills averaged at $78.24 per month; that number has now increased to a whopping $107.28. On top of that, the price for everything else has also gone up. If anything is clear is that part of the solution depends on energy conservation. How much can you cut back and save each month? ADT Pulse is the perfect solution to monitor and regulate your thermostat, appliances, etc. Using Z-Wave technology, all you need is a Wi-Fi Internet connection and a mobile device to adjust your home’s settings to your personal preferences. You don’t even have to be there. Remotely ensure your home is safe, secure and green—no matter your location.

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Infographic : Stop Running From Your Home Energy Bill

Blood. Simple.

Blood is important. However, when a medical need for blood occurs, many hospitals are running short. has created an infographic detailing the importance of blood donation, entitled “Blood. Simple”. With less than 10% of individuals being able to give blood, it’s important than any individual that can, does.  Currently, only 7.8% of eligible blood donors donate in a given year, leaving hospitals and medical centers constantly in a scramble to keep up supply.

Blood. Simple.