Infographic : Is Your Bachelor’s Degree Worth It?

Although getting a bachelor’s degree does mean you will earn over 50% more on average than a high school grad, it does not guarantee you a job in your area of study nor does it necessarily provide the kind of return on investment you (and your parents) were looking for. Then there’s the ridiculous cost, which has risen over 1000% in the last few decades. Don’t get us wrong. College can be great for some people, but there are others who come out with skills that don’t get them a good job. If you’re standing in the massive shadow of the Ivory Tower and have some trepidation about taking an expensive 4-year journey. For those of you who have already received a bachelor’s degree but still can’t find a job or further your career, you may find some alternative solutions if you scroll down for a bit.

Infographic Source :-

Infographic : Is Your Bachelor’s Degree Worth It?



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